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My mission is to teach kids to be DIY'ers. To see something awesome and figure out how to make it themselves and spend way less money and have fun doing so. This was probably the most valuable lesson my parents taught me and it is something I am passing on to my daughter and yours. 


I have worn many hats in my life. Literally and figuratively. For the past 4 years I have co-lead a Girl Scout troop with my best friend. We have so much fun! I have a special silly hat for that. In Girl Scouts one of most valuable lessons we have learned and taught is "using your resources wisely". I often use the Girl Scout law as a guide when talking to the kids and encouraging these 102 year old values.


In my teens my mom indroduced me to the joys of yard sales. Oh what  treasures we found! This led to a life long love of vintage things and the wonderful stories that come with them. I find many of the supplies I use at Craft Camp at yard sales. Many of these treasures I use to contain and display supplies. We listen to fun old music too! 


We will use our resourses wisely, repurpose found treasures and learn to do it ourselves!



Kyla Biba


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